Jan 17, 2012

News (Bad + Good)

First, since there're many things change in SimsCave forum where I used to upload my work, I want to announce some news. New rules in forum of uploading sims lead me to a decision: I will no longer upload my work in SimsCave forum; I know the moderators have the rights to have that rules applied and since most of CC i use for my sims from TSR, then it's a barrier for me. Then, from now on all my work will only be uploaded in my blog.

Second, there will be no new sims from my blog until March or April, 2012 because I will be busy for my study at university; since it's my last months then there would be many exams, presentations and my graduation project. I really hope that I can get back earlier to see you guys. If you want to contact me, then here is my email address: kieumanhhiep1989@gmail.com or my yahoo messenger: mr.loveholic. Send me an email if you have anything that want to discuss with me. :D. I'll be there and I'll reply you. I promise.

Third, that's really bad bad news. Last week, a friend of my send a link to a website where we both found that a work of mine has been uploaded there but under someone else name, not me. We firgured that he/she tried to change the hair, eye-colours and outfits but it's still my work. I am now trying to contact with that person who uploaded my work and the moderators of forum, but there's still no reply from them. I don't want to make thing complicated, we're not kids anymore, guys; so you don't have to do that with me. I just want the fairness for my hard-working .......If this matter would not be settled down, then I'm thinking of sharing through email only - that's against what I want.

So then, goodbye and hope to see you soon. :D

TUYET LAN - 2nd place VietNam's Next Top Model 2010 (Screenshots + Download Links)

First, I want to say thanks to SackGirl who told me to re-do this project outfits and lookings. After a day of searching, installing and capturing some good pics, finally I've done it. Thank you again, Sackgirl. Without your recommendation, this work may be just stop as a gabbage.                                                                                                                                                                                          This work of mine based on Nguyen Tuyet Lan who came as 2nd place of VietNam's Next Top Model 2010. She's beautiful, someone say that she's skinny but to me, a female model like her is so beautiful in everyway.  Here's she in real life:

She's wonderful, right?
And here's my work (Sorry for bad PS effects):

The CC I use with her:
1. Skin: lemonleaf_skin B2.5
2. Hair: Newsea_SheroFemale
3. Eyeshadow: EA
4. Eyeliner: lemonleaf_eyeliner N2
5. Blush: PralineSims_Mineral Powder Foundation
6. Lip: lemonleaf_candydoll_lipN23
7. Clothes: Lianasims
8. Shoes: EA
9. Accessories:
Earrings: Lianasims
Necklaces: Lianasims
Bracelets: Lianasims
Please don't upload, modify my work without my permission or giving my credit. Thanks
Download: Mediafire.

Sneak Peak on my newest project

Tehee!!! I'm back with my newest project. This time I try to make a sim based on a Vietnamese female model.... This is the newest photos. Download will be soon updated

In Everyday Outfit

In Formal Outfit
What do u think?

Jan 10, 2012

KOTAKOTI ROSE (Screenshots + Download)

Here again another new work of me. This time I decide to create a female sim. She is not actually a super model like usual and she is also not a celeb. I found her picture from a Vietnamese site, they stated her as a "living barbie". Here are her pics:

Then I decide to make a tribute sim of her. At first I tried to make my sim look like her. But for a moment, I thought that I have to be creative, make her look beauty in my way. So I've made this:

Aww, she's still pretty,right?


OK, here is the CC list:

1. Skin: Lemonleaf_skin B 2.5
2. Hair: Newsea Physical Female
3. Eyeshadow: EA
4. Eyeliners: Lemonleaf_Eyeliner N2
5. Lip: Lemonleaf_Candy Doll Lip Gloss N23
6. Outfit: LianaSims3_LolitaDress
7. Accessories: Rosesims2_LolitaHeadAcc
7. Shoes: EA.

Please don't upload, modify my work without my permission or without giving my credit.

Download Link: Mediafire. Enjoy it, friends. ^_^

Jan 8, 2012

DAVID GANDY (Screenshot + Download + Sneak Peak)

Finally I complete this long project........

Luckily, Rusty Nail have this outfit made long before :D

The underwear is from PRADASIMS COLLECTION :D


Custome Contents that I used:


Dowload Link: MEDIAFIRE.  Enjoy it friend and leave a comment, don't just download it and go away.

Sneak Peak for my next project:D

This time I decide to create a female sim. What do u think of her look?

Jan 6, 2012


Don't know what to say.....

Really don't know what to say and what to do next....

U guys know that I am concentrating on create Sim. My first share is Sean O'pry and it is well received, it make me feel confidence and I start with my new project of David Gandy.....

After posting the trial screenshot of him, somebody told me that he looks the same as Sean O'pry, she can't figure out a difference. AHHHH, WHAT A SADNESS; I am not a lazy person; everytime I create a sim, I randomly pick a premade sim that provided by EA and then I use sliders, carefully each by each, compare to original person and re-do it until I think it's good enough. I REALLY CONCENTRATE ON THAT.

Do you think there is no difference between them?

Jan 5, 2012

DAVID GANDY (Screenshot & Coming Soon)

Today I start my new work of David Gandy - another super male model.

After 5 hours of hard working, here is my screenshot of him in my game:
Compare to this photoshot:

This pic I use difference hairstyle

I think the limit of slider that I use, so his cheek bone and jaw can not be exactly the same as David in real life. I want to reshape his facial until' satisfy so I will update download link later.

Because I'm in the senior year in university, so this work may took me more time than when I create Sean O'pry and I'm also looking for his outfit. If u do know or have suitable outfit, please let me know. :D                   

Jan 4, 2012

SEAN O'PRY (photo+download link)

Finally complete this work.


In game: (sorry of the hairstyle 'cause i have no luck of searching his hair, if u have it and want to share, please let me know)

Custome Content:
Skin: lemonleaf skin B2.5
Hair: Pradasims_AM_Hair_a001
Eyeliner: EA
Lipstick: [PS]Cotton Candy Lip Gloss
Clothes: EA

Download: Mediafire . Required TheSims 3 & TheSims 3 WA patch 1.24 at least.
Please don't upload, copy or modify my work without my permission. Thanks

Jan 3, 2012

1st Time

After 9 years of playing The Sims series, today I finally decide to open this blog in order to upload and share my workings (actually I only can create sim). Athought that I'm an Asian and I have no experience in 3D and a very little knowledge in PS, the fact is I REALLY LOVE THE SIMS.
 I have no interest in feminie looking Sims like others work from Asian bloggers like lemonleaf or heiret, I am interested in Western looking like model Sean O'pry, so most of my sim would be Western looking.
So, come and join me, I really love to be your friend and I'm going to share my first working of super male model Sean O'pry for tomorrow :D